Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Let's Play!

Yay, it’s finally nice enough to go outside for playgroup! But all this playing can make a little girl tired....

Emilia has been so much fun lately. She’s really into imitating. Here she is attempting to fill up one of her stackable cups with water from the refrigerator door. She’s not quite tall enough yet, but no matter. She declares “wa-wa” (not sure yet if she’s trying to say water or agua or both), holds the cup up, then brings it to her mouth and pretends to drink, complete with the “glug, glug, glug.”

We babysat my parent’s dog, Nell, one night last weekend, and Emilia was in heaven. Nell, who is getting on in age, however, was completely exhausted after having a one-year-old chase her around non-stop.

And here are a few photos from a family gathering this past weekend (for which we had beautiful weather, as you can see). With Uncle Jordan, playing on yet another new toy grandma got her.

This girl is a cake-eating machine! She went around asking anyone with cake on their plate for a bite (or two or three).

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Great Outdoors & Using Utensils

After a nice little April Fool’s Day snowstorm, spring has begun to taunt us here in Minnesota, showing her face sporadically. Emilia has always enjoyed being outdoors, but especially now that she can walk! She chases the neighbors’ dogs, insists on walking everywhere instead of riding in the stroller, and plays happily with her newly-liberated wagon. She doesn’t much like getting her hands dirty—always asking for us to wipe them off whenever they get a little dirt on them—but I’m sure she’ll get used to it soon.

Emilia’s also been practicing with the spoon and fork lately, with quite a bit of success. Here’s proof. You can also see here that she’s picked up the Spanish habit of soaking up whatever is left on your plate with bread. She saw her papa doing this and just started copying him; it was so funny!