Sorry; I just couldn’t help the urge to put those two together in the title. I love a good juxtaposition! Although I’m not a particularly big Sex in the City fan, I went with a group of girlfriends to a Sex in the City premiere party on Friday night. It was lots of fun, although we all were feeling a little old when the movie let out at almost 1am and we realized it was the latest we’d been out in a long time.

Okay, so here’s my attempt to make a transition from Sex in the City to Emilia…. While shopping at Target last week, we passed the shoe department and Emilia started pointing and excitedly declaring, “Sooz, sooz!” (shoes!). I told her we weren’t shopping for shoes and that she had enough shoes. She responded even more excitedly, doing the sign for ‘more,’ “Mo sooz, mo sooz!” (more shoes!). Is this a sign?! Do I have a future Carrie or Samantha on my hands?!
So, now that I’ve made that smooth transition to the Emilia update, I want to report she went pee on the toilet twice yesterday! We just bought her a “potty” because the pediatrician at her 18-month appointment recommended we do so now just so she can start getting used to the idea. Well, our introduction to the potty led to two semi-successful squirts into the toilet. Emilia was ecstatic when music played from the potty in response (and I got one of the most simple potties; you don’t want to know about all the bells and whistles on the higher end ones!). Of course, the potty was not the only place where she peed, but that’s just a minor detail. I fully understand this probably won’t become a regular practice anytime soon, but it still seems like a big milestone. Sorry I don’t have a picture, but I’m sure Emilia will thank me for that one day (or at least not resent me for pulling out a picture of her first pee pee on the potty chair to show her high school boyfriend or girlfriend!).