With the new baby on the way, it was time to move Emilia into a “big girl” bed. It’s been a work-in-progress for awhile, since we are moving her into a different bedroom and leaving the nursery basically as-is for the new baby. This involved selling two rooms full of furniture (thank goodness for Craig’s List!), moving my office from one of the bedrooms to what was formerly the “formal” living room (I love my new office!), having my uncle John (of
Flannery Painting) paint the room a more fun color, and then moving the new furniture (thanks again to Craig’s List) into the new room. Although we’re still working on the final touches, Emilia finally started sleeping in her new “big girl” bedroom last weekend. She was a little hesitant the first two nights, yet did very well, only waking up a little earlier than usual. Now when I tell her it’s time to go to bed, she says, “In my big girl room?” and when I answer, “yes,” she yells, “Yay!” and claps. We’re still putting her down for naps in the crib and will probably continue to do so (or try) until next month, since I’m worried putting her down midday in the big bed will be the end of naps as we know them, which I am not ready to have happen until the end of the semester (at the earliest).
Some of the things Emilia says these days are just hilarious, and I want to share one. While in Florida, I noticed at one point that Agustín had turned his baseball cap backward for some reason (not a normal style for him; it had something to do with convenience). I commented jokingly that he looked like an American (in case anyone reading this isn’t aware, he’s Spanish). Later, when Agustín once again turned his hat backward to get the bill out of the way, Emilia said, “Papa looks like America!” We all cracked up. Then, last week, Emilia and my mom and I went shopping at REI. Emilia latched onto a cute little yellow baseball cap with a pink heart, and easily sweet-talked my mom into getting it for her (it really only takes a smile). But she had no interest in wearing the cap forward. She kept putting it on backward and saying, “I look like America!” Then she added, “Just like Papa!”