People keep asking how life with two kids is going. Apart from the fact that I don’t have time to do much like update this blog, clean the house, do the writing I had planned to do this summer, or have much “adult” time, I think it’s going pretty well. Emilia and Mateo and I are kind of getting into a weekday routine, which usually includes a fun outing or activity in the late morning and quieter time at home (well, Emilia is quieter because she naps in the afternoon; Mateo usually sleeps through the morning outing and is fussy during the afternoon, but it’s quiet in the sense that I only have him to deal with) in the afternoon. Mateo is a bit fussier than we remember Emilia being as a baby—lots of spitting up and gas is the likely culprit—but his cute face makes up for it. He's also started smiling more deliberately and is holding his head up for long stretches.
Here are a few of my favorite photos of our latest summer fun.
Princess Serious
Mateo getting his smile on!
Grandpa and his babies (including Emilia's baby doll, Lilly)