This week Emilia went back to school and Mateo started for the first time. Emilia started at the school when she was Mateo's age and is now officially in their pre-school curriculum (a.k.a. the "Terrific Tiger" room). Mateo is a "Busy Butterfly," which seems very fitting. Both go two full days (i.e. 9am - 5pm) a week. Emilia was very excited to go back and really enjoyed her first week. Mateo did amazingly well, thanks in part, I think, to the fact that he's been going to the childcare center at our gym for an hour or two several days a week since he was three months old (and probably the fact that he's been to the school many, many times before). He headed straight for the toys when we arrived the first morning and didn't even seem to notice, much less mind, when I left. On the second day, unfortunately, he got sick and had to be picked up halfway through the day. If exposure to a classroom full of other snot-nosed toddlers doesn't build up a kid's immune system, I don't know what does.
The start of school also seemed to warrant new haircuts, initially for Emilia, and then mid-way through the week for Mateo when the arrival of a good coupon (not to mention Agustin's comment that he would try cutting Mateo's bangs himself) convinced me it was time to get his first haircut. So Emilia is now sporting a cute and curly bob, and baby Mateo has become a big boy. His curly "wings" are gone, but there's still some curl in the back, so hopefully we haven't seen the last of it. I can't believe how quickly they are growing up!