Monday, January 28, 2008

Catching Up With Bonjwing

Okay, most of you probably won’t be interested in this post, but I thought many of my old Northwestern friends would like to see this picture. My college friend Bonjwing was in town last week and we were able to get together for coffee and catch up, which was really nice, particularly because we hadn’t seen each other in about eight years. He’s a lawyer in his Midwestern home town (to remain nameless because I like to try to maintain people’s anonymity somewhat on this site—why you never see family names—and I know there probably aren’t a plethora of Bonjwings where he comes from) and his stories made me glad I didn’t go that route myself (I considered going into international law; took the entrance exams and everything). If anyone from college is reading this and wants to catch up with him, post a comment and I’ll send you his contact info. Oh, and he’s single and looking, so if anyone’s interested in a serious but funny, well-cultured Republican (but one even a liberal can discuss politics with civilly) boy…..

1 comment:

:kim said...

Hi Tara! Getting caught up with your life again. So cool that you saw Bonjwing! You'll have to get me in touch with him. Love the other pics on the site too. Emilia's getting so big!