Monday, November 30, 2009

Emilia Turns Three (and other November Highlights)

Time has gotten away from me again! And things are only getting busier with the holidays upon us! Emilia turned three about two weeks ago and, as such an occasion requires, we celebrated for almost a whole week. First we had a birthday party with my parents and friends of the family and their three kids. Emilia's favorite part was getting her face painted by her friend Liza, then painting Liza's face. Then Emilia celebrated with her friends at school another day, and on her “official” birthday our immediate family had a special birthday dinner. Emilia is so “sited” to be “free” (excited to be three)! Oh, and is the fact that my daughter's favorite present was, at only three years of age, clothes reason to be concerned?

Last week Emilia had her three-year check-up, and we learned she is in the 90th percentile for height—looks like she might have gotten her dad’s genes in that area.

In general, we are pretty crazy about our little three-year-old. She is smart, funny, imaginative, creative, sensitive, and caring. She’s quite the talker and is picking up a lot of Spanish these days, not to mention repeating anything and everything she hears (we need to start being more careful about what we say). For awhile she said she wanted to be a “doctor and a dentist” when she grows up, but today she said she wants to be a mom or an actor. She said she’d try each out to decide which she wanted to be “for a long time.” I explained that you can be a mom and something else, so she decided that’s what she’d do.
Last week we celebrated Thanksgiving with my dad’s side of the family. In practice for her acting days, Emilia performed the play “Hansel and Greta” (apparently a modern adaptation of the original by a similar name?) for the group. However, she has not actually seen that play yet (we have tickets for later this month) or even heard the story, so it was a lot of dancing around and singing, “Haaaaanselllll….aaaand…..Greeeeeettaaaaaaaa…..” Needless to say, she loved the attention!
Mateo, who will be six months old within the week, is a little mover and shaker. He has been crawling for a few weeks already, although in a bit of a worm-like fashion. He loves Emilia’s doctor kit and piano, and often goes straight for them when you set him on the floor. We just started him on “solids” (there is nothing solid about baby rice cereal, in my opinion) this week, and with every bite he seems to be saying, “Where have you been hiding this insipid stuff all my life?!”

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