My how time flies! My mom is already asking if we have plans for Emilia’s first birthday (a little over a month from now) and last night we had dinner with a few other couples with babies—a five-month old and twin four-month olds—and someone commented that Emilia is “not
really” a baby anymore. What?! Where did the time go? Actually though, she’s really at a fun age right now. She has several “words,” including mama, papa, do (dog), baba (bottle), bebe (baby), and ba (ball). She uses most of these rather indiscriminately, although baby is the one she uses most frequently and appropriately. This is because she has a doll (see photo above) we refer to as ‘baby.’ When I have my hands elbow-deep in dirty dishes and Emilia is attempting to open the still-not-baby-proofed cabinets, I say, “Where’s baby?” and she takes off in search of her baby. Can you really be a baby when you have your own baby? And last night she kept looking at the other little ones at the dinner party and saying “bebe” (pronounced beh-beh).
Anyway, here are a few pictures. My friend who works in children’s publishing sent us several bilingual board books (thanks again, Ann!). I think Emilia can read better than we think. Here she is eating the book entitled ‘Vamos a Comer!’ (Let’s Eat!) and throwing ‘Vamos a Disfrutar!’ (Let’s Have Fun!). Curious irony, no?

Downward Dog—Emilia now practices yoga daily.

And here she is acting innocent. Hmmm....

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