Above, Emilia plays dress up with mom’s tote of winter clothes. It’s so much more fun to wear other people’s hats and gloves than your own!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Happy Holidays!
Above, Emilia plays dress up with mom’s tote of winter clothes. It’s so much more fun to wear other people’s hats and gloves than your own!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Emilia Turns Two!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Growing Family
We learned when trying to get pregnant with Emilia that we are not one of those couples that can nicely plan pregnancies around our personal lives. It took us a full year of trying to get pregnant with Emilia, who defied all convenience by being born one month before the end of my first semester in the PhD program. We ideally wanted to have our second one about two years after Emilia was born; since we knew our history, we got to work on it early. But after about nine months of trying, I finally took my pile of charts (I’ve spent more than two years of my life trying to chart my body’s ovulation signs) to the doctor to ask why I was having so much trouble identifying when I was ovulating. Turns out I am not as incapable as I thought—I couldn’t identify when I was ovulating because, most months, I wasn’t. In the nine months we’d been trying, the doctor said I’d ovulated probably twice. We made plans to start Clomid—one of the most common infertility drugs, which is used to induce ovulation—in the following cycle. I went home with the newfound knowledge that I did in fact know what I was doing with all these charts—that it was just a matter of waiting until there was actually something to identify—and, in some sort of crazy coincidence, I ovulated and we got pregnant before even starting the treatment. That was back in May. On July 4th, however, during my first days at the Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication in Portland (on a holiday right before a weekend and while out of town for an extended period—I think that’s the definition of inconvenient), I started bleeding and eventually miscarried.
So it was back to the drawing board. Once my body was fully recovered, the doctor okayed us to start Clomid. This involved two early ultrasounds, a week of pills, and a shot to my stomach, all involving very precise timing. Thankfully, the first round was a success, and we found out about a month ago that I was again pregnant. I’m now about 10 weeks along. We had an early ultrasound (because of my history) that confirmed things were proceeding as they should, and have already heard the heartbeat twice. So, we are finally letting the reality set in that we’ll have another kid come summer time, and wanted to share the news with you, our friends and family.
Yoga, Snow & A First Haircut
Here are a few random pictures of recent good times. Emilia has apparently appropriated her doll Gunther’s swimsuit (which is the old-fashioned 1920s full-body style). Although she can’t get the straps over her shoulders, she likes to take off her pants, put on what she can of the suit, and then show me her newest yoga poses (which she learns at school). Above she does her best Richard Simmons impersonation.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween from Little Bear!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Flamenco Fun!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Lots of Visitors & Fun
Then two weekends ago we had visitors from Madison—two former colleagues (and friends, of course) of mine and their families. I was so busy taking pictures of Emilia with her new friends Belle and Wesley that I forgot to take any photos of my colleagues and I. But the kids are cuter than us anyway.
This past weekend many interculturalist friends of mine were in town for a conference, and I enjoyed meeting up with several of them. We also had one of my closest college friends and her partner visiting us. We visited the Minneapolis sculpture garden and a local apple farm (Emilia loved eating the apples right off the trees--see below), and enjoyed a walk to the park and a sunny but crisp fall boat ride.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Fall Fun
Agustín the futbol star and his biggest fan
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Washington Visit

One of Devin’s jobs is as a bike tour guide, so he hooked us up with some free bike rentals, showed us around and shared lots of interesting tour guide lore. My favorite of the memorials was FDR’s (a bit off the beaten tourist track, but not far with bikes), shown in the photo above.
We were able to meet up with a friend of mine from the area, who I’d met earlier in the summer at SIIC. Above we’re all enjoying some music in the park before enjoying an amazing Asian-fusion dinner.
Here we are just before a morning of kayaking on the Potomac River.
Monday, September 1, 2008
August Update
Earlier this month we went to a kids luau hosted by the city. The photo above is of Emilia with a few of her buddies at the luau. Here’s another of our family on the same bench, and Emilia and papa playing in the grass.
Uncle Devin gave us this soccer (we—including Emilia—prefer the word ‘futbol’) net as a gift. It’s already been the source of much family fun. Thanks, Devin!
Babysitting Nelly (Yaya and Gampa’s dog). Emilia always wants to hug her; Nelly is not amused.
“Big spoon, big spoon!” is another favorite phrase, as Emilia seems to think she’s outgrown the toddler spoons. I must admit though, she handles a full-sized spoon rather well for someone who is not yet two.
We all enjoyed watching the Olympics together in the evenings. Our favorites included swimming (“big pool, big pool!”) and gymnastics. Emilia loves jumping, and the first time she saw gymnastics, they were doing the floor routine, so I told her she was going to see jumpy girls. Well, “jumpy girl” is now one of her favorite games. She always wanted to see “big pool” or “jumpy girls.” We found her sport when one day diving came on and she yelled, “Big pool! Jumpy girls!”
Lastly, Agustín and I celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary this weekend. My parents took Emilia and we spent a whole day together, just the two of us. We didn’t do anything particularly extravagant, but it was very nice and rare for us to spend that much time together, alone without Emilia, and, perhaps more importantly, without trying to do anything more than just relax and enjoy each other’s company.
Now it’s back to school for me tomorrow. Where did the summer go?
That’s all for now, but I’ll post an update about my trip to Washington DC (to visit my brother Devin) soon.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Mea Culpa
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
All in the Family
Our dancing queen!
Sunday, my parents hosted their annual picnic for my mom’s side of the family (see this year’s family photo at top). My mom has nine siblings and a foster brother, so this is no small ordeal. I think I can safely say that fun was had by all, but once again Emilia was arguably the happiest one there….good company, swimming, ice cream, cake…what more can a girl ask for? What more can anyone ask for, really? She is constantly reminding me to simply enjoy every moment of life.
Devin and Noelle looking hip, as usual
Agustín and I even got some time to dork around together while Emilia napped
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Emilia "Home Alone"
When I returned, I found my little brunette had turned into a blondie! (Which is particularly funny because her passport, which we got when she was three months old, says she has black hair and blue eyes—neither of which is true now. And the passport is valid for five years!)
Language-wise, the most noticeable developments were that she learned to say her own name and to sing “Happy Birthday.” We often call her “Mili” for short, and she now refers to herself in this same way; sometimes it actually sounds more like “Mini,” which is perhaps even cuter. She says sentences like, “Mili bye bye car car big pool.” It’s amazing how well she can get her point across!

Thursday, July 24, 2008
SIIC 2008
The faculty and interns with whom I worked during the second session--we had so much fun (oh, and learned a lot too)!
Hanging out in the intern lounge in Bragdon Hall at Reed College.
Stay tuned for an update on how Emilia and Agustín (and grandma, who watched Emilia during the days) did while I was gone.