Just a few quick photos of our fall evening fun in the backyard. Trying to enjoy this nice weather before we're forced into hibernation. And don't worry about the photo of Agustín "throwing" Emilia; all the necessary safety precautions are always taken (and the naked body flying through the air is Gunther, the well-worn, much-loved Cabbage Patch doll that was once mine and now hers, not another small child).

I turned in my written preliminary examination last week, which is a great relief. Yay!!! Now it's just classes, teaching, and on to the next hoop to jump through.

Agustín the futbol star and his biggest fan
1 comment:
Buenos días, Agus y familia.
Gracias a nuestro amigo Manuel Ángel (a él no le gusta que le llamen Lulú), he podido conocer a tu hija.
Desde Sevilla os mando un fuerte abrazo y espero veros la próxima vez que vengais.
La pequeña es muy guapa. Es evidente que se parece a la madre, porque tú, capi... ;)
David Vioque
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