Emilia loves her baby brother (who she often refers to as “my baby”). She constantly wants to give him kisses (and is usually pretty good about doing so gently), and every time I change his diaper she wants to be my “special helper.” She is even copying a lot of things I’m doing with Mateo with her own “baby,” Lilly—from diaper changing and burping, to putting in the carseat for trips to the doctor, and even breastfeeding (those photos to come in a future post). It’s really cute (and a little scary how impressionable she is)! Emilia has become a bit of a handful lately, however (2 1/2 is proving to be both terrific and terrible), so I’m especially grateful to have Agustín home for two weeks (which are coming to a close more quickly than I’d like) to help out during this transition period.
Emilia enjoys a morning at the Children's Museum with Papa.
Emilia licking the spoon after helping mom bake a cake to celebrate Mateo's arrival (that's face paint and chocolate on her face--the signs of a truly fun day).
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