Mateo is now two months old and started rolling over from front to back a few weeks ago (see proof in photo sequence above). We’ve put him down on numerous occasions for “tummy time” only to turn around a few minutes later and find him on his back. He wants to move! He also scoots around when on his stomach, pushing against the floor with his feet and causing him to move in a wide U-turn.
Emilia is also at a developmental milestone, making big strides in potty training. We introduced the idea a year ago, but have not pushed it much. She has been more than ready for awhile though, and needs to be in underwear by this fall if she wants to move into the next age group at her school. I didn’t want to do too much with potty training around the time of Mateo’s birth, but now that we’re settled in a bit, it’s time. A little over a week ago we made the switch to “big girl” underwear during the day (other than at naptime) and it’s going pretty well. A few accidents here and there early on, but we haven’t had one in about a week. Yay, Emilia! I have to consciously give her a lot of liquids, however, or she doesn’t ever seem to have to go while awake and instead just fills her diaper during naptime and at night. Below, Emilia shows off her “potty chart” (which is now almost full of stickers!). For every five stickers she gets, she gets to go out to Ben & Jerry’s with mom or dad. We took other photos to document the potty training process, but it doesn’t seem appropriate to post them on the web. ;)